Time Management Software Lite (V1SOHO) - 3.0
Support minimum & maximum OT hours ceiling
Time Management Software Lite (V1SOHO) - 3.0
Time Management Software Lite (V1SoHo) – 3.0 is able to integrate with any biometrics devices. Most popular biometrics devices are fingerprint and face recognition devices. For heavy usage, Handpunch devices are popular. Biometrics devices play the role to keep track and records staff clockings and attendances. These records are then processed using Time Management Software Lite (V1SoHo) – 3.0 to calculate overall working hours, overtime, lateness and so on for each staff. This timesheet is important for HR or Admin Officer to calculate each staff’s monthly or hourly pay correctly. This Time and Attendance system can be integrated with Smart Touch Payroll Singapore or Payroll Malaysia to calculate the payroll for each staff easily. Time Management Software Lite (V1SoHo) – 3.0 is a Cloud Computing Technology which auto download employee TIME IN & TIME OUT from the the computerized time clock and auto process and calculates the Lateness, Overtime, Undertime based on the required working hours. The special feature of this system is the Auto Email Report. The management and employees can Auto receive the Daily Time Attendance Report via email. This system can cater Multi User Access, Multi Company and Unlimited Employees.
Integrate with 3rd Party Software
Info-Tech, INFOTIME, INFOPAY, Times Software, Times Pay / HR 8.0, Times E-Payroll, Times E-Leave, Sage EasyPay, Sage EasyTime, Sage UBS Payroll, Whyze, Payday, eACCPAY, PayrollServe, Ready Software, Ready Pay, SAP, SMEPayroll, IQDynamics, MYOB

Software Features : Working Shift
- Supports unlimited different working patterns
- Supports unlimited Auto-shift feature (System auto-assign working hours )
- Spports User friendly parameter settings

Overtime :
Support normal OT1.0, OT1.5 and OT 2.0 rate, and OT 3.0 rate, Flat rate OT Support minimum & maximum OT hours ceiling feature Support different OT rate after mid night work feature Support dinner Break deductions Support early OT calculation, Overtime prior to the Scheduled shift time Support oFF Set Overtime, OT adjusted against the lateness Support rounding OT hours, to Control OT interval

TMS Reports :
Daily attendance report | Staff details (IN, OUT, late, overtime, leave taken, REST days, allowance) |
Individual attendance report | whole month details (IN, OUT, late, overtime, leave taken, allowance) |
Movement report | To show multi clocking record , movement of an employee |
Hours Rate summary report | Prepare for payroll calculation for hourly rate worker |
Working Summary Report | Summary Overtime , deduction, no pay leave interface to payroll calulation |
Payroll interface module | Interface to build in payroll and 3rd party payroll system |