Time Attendance System
Smart Time Management Software Enterprise version 9.0 is a web-based Time and Attendance System. It’s flexible to integrate with any kind of biometrics device such as intelligent fingerprint terminal, face recognition devices, ID card reader, or Handpunch. Furthermore, it can work together with a security access control system to detect unauthorized entry.
Users can use Access Control System to controlled door access to only allow authorized persons to enter the company or site. Biometrics devices keep track of the attendance of each worker in the company using this Time Attendance System and then generate specific timesheets for payroll calculations using Payroll Singapore.
The E-TMS 9.0 or called V1SoHo 9.0 is a Cloud Attendance Platform. The simplest way access to the internet to view employees’ attendance data and manage from anywhere over the world.
By using our E-TMS 9.0, the user will be able to access the auto-calculated actual working hours, overtime, daily allowances based on the required working schedules assigned in the system. Besides, this system can integrate into Payroll Software, E-Leave Module, and Job Cost System.

Key Features
Records hours
Employees simply clock at the biometric terminal and the system auto tabulate working hours, overtime with rate 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 accurately into the digital timesheet
Multiple Working Shift
Supports unlimited different working patterns. Auto-Shift feature (System auto-assign working hours group based on IN time). Flexible working hours feature with User-friendly parameter settings.
Supports time attendance machine, Health, Transport, Meal, Shift, and Other Allowances. Allowance tabulation based on employee attendances and company policies.
Duty Roster
Use our rostering software to ensure your employees work on the right shift.
Email Notification
Daily email notification to see your own timesheet. Manager and supervisor to quickly check who is running late, and absent.
Data Interfacing
Support 3rd party attendance data interfacings such as payroll, HRMS, and ERP software
Key Benefit of Time Attendance System
By using our time attendance system(E-TMS 9.0), the user and payroll system will be able to see the auto-calculated actual working hours, overtime, daily allowances based on the required working schedules built in the system. In addition, this system can integrate into Payroll Singapore, E-Leave System, and Job Cost System.
It also can accommodate Multi-User Access, Multi-Company and Unlimited Employees. The significance of this arrival system is to enable hr management to review, draft and submit working hours amendments to the labor law, rules, and orders enforced from time to time.
Types Of Reports of Time Attendance System

Individual Attendance Report

Weekly Attendance Report

Working Hours Summary Report

Audit Trail Report

Overtime Report

Daily Attendance Report
Overtime Approval Solution
Overtime Approval Solutions is perfectly working with Time Attendance System which make attendance checking more efficiency. Heavy workload on checking & maintaining employees attendance will not be HR worries anymore. Able to integrated with biometrics devices like face recognition or fingerprint devices to correctly keep track every single attendances of staff in company or site, which perfectly prevent “buddy-punching” and overtime cheating.
Overtime Approval Solutions is a web based system which can also can be integrated with Payroll Singapore, as well as E-Leave System and Job Costing System, which make the whole payroll process simple and faster.
Our user friendly Web Solution allows coordinators to assist HR by monitoring, scheduling and approve employees attendance through Internet Browser. With the help of Internet, Web Solution has become a high demand easy access solution at anywhere and anytime. And also, it can accommodate Multi User Access, Multi-Company and Unlimited Employees.
- Monitoring employees In and Out clocking, lateness, leave or even allowances given.
- Allow authorized coordinator to adjust employees attendance.
- Provided with Remark field to allow coordinator to leaves comments.
- Transaction is flexible enough to allow viewing of attendance by Dept/ Section/ or Individual records.
- Allow coordinator to pre plan OT hours for employees.
- Support up to 2 levels of approval ( 1 Level & 2 Level approval ).
- Allow filtering of overtime records by Pending/ Reject/ Approved status to make checking more efficiency.
- Allow Printing of report on the approved OT Hours.
- Approved records will be locked to avoid further changes of OT hours.
- Allow coordinator to pre plan employee working shift.
- Changes of shift can be done from time to time when nesscecasry.
- Report is available to view employees working schedule.
- Allow setting of email address for Coordinator to receive daily attendance report.
Schedule and Deployment System
Schedulling and Deploymeny System is integrated with Time Attendance System to perfectly monitor staff working details such as today shift and location, total working hours, overtime and so on. Works with biometrics devices like fingerprint machines, face recognition devices or ID card time clock to keep track staff movements and attendances.
Everything can be monitored using Schedulling and Deployment System and Time Attendance System. Also can be integrated with Payroll Singapore for pay calculations.
The Scheduling and Deployment System is a great tool to plan staff scheduling and monitor staff attendance in real-time for a desired location / site. This system comes along with a Monitoring Tool that provides users with a graphical view of a location’s manpower information (perfect attendance, shortfall, surplus or absent).
Allows Users to set staff scheduling on a daily or monthly basis on locations the User have access.
Provides an Admin account that will generate default staff schedule for all locations.
Ability to grant and deny access to a User for specific locations.
Ability to add unlimited locations for which you would like to monitor manpower status.
Provides a Monitoring page that shows all Locations that need to be tracked of manpower status.
Filter options by Manpower status is also provided.

Biometric Face Recognition For Time Management Solution
Smart Touch Technology provides various types of biometrics face recognition to comply with Time Management Solution. The machine will be able to integrate well with our systems in order to have better performances for Time Management Solution.
Biometric Fingerprint For Time Management Solution
Smart Touch Technology provides various types of biometric fingerprints to comply with Time Management Solution. The machine will be able to integrate well with our systems in order to have better performances for Time Management Solution.
Related Information
Contact Information
Reach us at : 116, Lavender Street, Pek Chuan Building #03-10, Singapore 338730.
Send us a mail : sales@smartouch.com.sg
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