What are the support schemes conducted by MOM Singapore?

The consequences of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak are being felt around the world. For many company, this means having to cope with loss of income. By giving a support schemes by Mom Singapore, income issue can be lees burden for every organization in singapore due to covid 19 outbreaks. Especially with company who hiring foreign worker from many country. They need to survive in order to make their workers and company in good situation to handle this outbreaks. Company need to transfer foreign workers across sectors to manage manpower needs. For companies have more flexibility to manage their manpower. Allows inter-sectoral transfer of foreign workers for all sectors and allow transfers of foreign workers whose Work Permits are nearing expiry for all sectors.
MOM Singapore Supports Company with foreign workers
Levy rebate and levy waiver for business employers
For business employer who has at least paid up to December 2019’s foreign workers’ levy in full (which amount was due in January 2020).
- A flat rate of $750 for each S Pass or Work Permit holder in your employment as at 29 February 2020.
- No application is needed. You can use check and pay levy to check your previous levy payments.
3 Month Extension of levy payment timeline for SMEs
MOM Singapore will provide SMEs with an additional three months to make the levy payment. SMEs will have up to 5 months to pay for the foreign worker levy from the month it is incurred before revocation action kicks in.
This temporary relief measure will apply to levies incurred in the year 2020. Firms who are making use of the extended timeline are encouraged to retain existing workers and should not be employing fresh foreign workers. MOM Singapore will hence allow renewals but not new applications of work passes from these firms.
The late payment penalty of 2% monthly will still apply for levies which are deferred. Firms are hence encouraged to exercise financial prudence and plan their cash flow to pay levies on time as far as possible.
Transfer foreign workers across sectors to manage manpower needs
With the entry of work pass holders into Singapore being restricted to a very small number to reduce the risk of importation, MOM Singapore will be expanding the temporary scheme to help more firms hire workers who are already in Singapore (in addition to the scheme introduced in 2 March 2020).
From 1 April 2020, the scheme will be expanded as follows:
- Allow inter-sectoral transfer of foreign workers for all sectors:
Firms in all sectors can hire existing Work Permit holders (who are in Singapore) from other sectors, with the agreement of their current employers. This relaxes the current rule that only allows transfers within the respective sectors. - Allow transfers of foreign workers whose Work Permits are nearing expiry for all sectors:
Firms in all sectors can hire existing Work Permit holders from their own or another sector, where the work permits are within 40 days of expiry. This is an extension of a scheme that exists for the construction and process sectors for transfers within their own sectors. Agreement from the current employer is not needed.
Hiring firms will be required to meet the prevailing Work Permit criteria under their respective sectors. This temporary scheme will be in place until 31 August 2020. For transfers of Work Permit holders from 40 days before work permit expiry (including inter-sectoral transfers), firms can submit their request online.
Refund of man-year entitlement (MYE) for constructions firms
Currently, some construction firms are unable to fully utilise the man-year entitlements (MYE) allocated for their projects due to delays in overseas supplies and entry of foreign construction workers due to travel restrictions. The MYEs are currently forfeited, and results in higher cost to contractors who will have to hire foreign workers on higher levy rates.
In partnership with the Singapore Contractors Association Limited (SCAL) and the Building and Construction Authority (BCA), a temporary 6-month scheme will be introduced from 1 Apr 2020 to refund unused MYEs due to work disruptions from COVID-19. Firms have the flexibility to use the refunded MYE within 1 year to hire new workers or renew existing ones. Affected firms can apply to BCA for the MYE refund. BCA will provide more details on the application process.
MOM Singapore Supports Company affected by LOA/SHN
LOA/SHN Support Programme for employers in healthcare, education and eldercare sectors
Employers will receive $100 daily per affected worker for the required duration of LOA or SHN granted to the worker. In addition, eligible employers will automatically qualify for levy waiver for affected foreign workers for the LOA or SHN period.
Affected worker(s) must:
- Be Singapore Citizens (SC), Permanent Residents (PR), or work pass holders; and
- Be placed on LOA or SHN upon return from the following areas:
- Mainland China to Singapore on or after 14 January 2020.
- South Korea (Daegu city or Cheongdo county) after 26 February 2020.
- South Korea, Iran, or northern Italy* after 4 March 2020.
- Italy, France, Spain or Germany after 15 March 2020.
- ASEAN countries, Japan, the United Kingdom or Switzerland after 16 March 2020.
- Any other country or territory not mentioned above, after 20 March 2020.
LOA/SHN Support Programme for employers in all other sectors
Employers will receive $100 daily per affected worker for the required duration of LOA or SHN granted to the worker. In addition, eligible employers will automatically qualify for levy waiver for affected foreign workers for the LOA or SHN period.
Affected worker(s) must:
- Be Singapore Citizens (SC), Permanent Residents (PR), or work pass holders; and
- Be placed on LOA or SHN upon return from the following affected areas:
- Mainland China on or after 31 January 2020.
- South Korea (Daegu city or Cheongdo county) after 26 February 2020.
- South Korea, Iran or northern Italy* after 4 March 2020.
- Italy, France, Spain or Germany after 15 March 2020.
- ASEAN countries, Japan, the United Kingdom or Switzerland after 16 March 2020.
- Any other country or territory not mentioned above, after 20 March 2020.
LOA/SHN Support Programme for employers implementing company-imposed LOA
Employers will receive $100 daily per worker who returned between 14 March 2020 and 20 March 2020 and was placed on company-imposed LOA while not being required to serve mandatory SHN.
Worker(s) must:
- Be Singapore Citizens (SC), Permanent Residents (PR), or Work Pass holders;
- Have returned to Singapore between 14 March 2020 and 20 March 2020;
- Not have been able to perform work remotely during the company-LOA period;
- Have served at least seven days of company-LOA.
Employers that choose to implement company-LOA for Malaysian workers will be eligible for LOA support, provided that they do not also tap on the temporary housing support for employers affected by Malaysia’s Movement Control Order for the same Malaysian workers.
For workers that served fewer than 14 days of company-LOA, the total amount of LOA support that employers can receive will be capped at $700.
MOM Singapore Supports For self-employed persons
LOA/SHN Support Programme for SEPs in healthcare, education and eldercare sectors
EPs will receive $100 daily for the required duration of LOA or SHN.
You must:
- Be a Singapore Citizen (SC) or Permanent Resident (PR), and;
- Be on LOA or SHN upon return from the following areas:
- Mainland China to Singapore on or after 14 January 2020.
- South Korea (Daegu city or Cheongdo county) after 26 February 2020.
- South Korea, Iran, or northern Italy* after 4 March 2020.
- Italy, France, Spain or Germany after 15 March 2020.
- ASEAN countries, Japan, the United Kingdom or Switzerland after 16 March 2020.
- Any other country or territory not mentioned above, after 20 March 2020.
LOA/SHN Support Programme for SEPs in all other sectors
SEPs will receive $100 daily for the required duration of LOA or SHN.
You must:
- Be a Singapore Citizen (SC) or Permanent Resident (PR); and
- Be placed on LOA or SHN upon return from the following areas:
- Mainland China to Singapore on or after 31 January 2020.
- South Korea (Daegu city or Cheongdo county) after 26 February 2020.
- South Korea, Iran or northern Italy* after 4 March 2020.
- Italy, France, Spain or Germany after 15 March 2020.
- ASEAN countries, Japan, the United Kingdom or Switzerland after 16 March 2020.
- Any other country or territory not mentioned above, after 20 March 2020.
LOA/SHN Support Programme for SEPs on self-imposed LOA
SEPs will receive $100 daily for the required duration of LOA or SHN.
SEPs who returned to Singapore between 14 March 2020 and 20 March 2020 and were not required to serve mandatory SHN will receive $100 daily for going on self-imposed LOA.
You must:
- Be a Singapore Citizen (SC) or Permanent Resident (PR);
- Have returned to Singapore between 14 March 2020 and 20 March 2020;
- Not have been able to perform work remotely during the self-imposed LOA period;
- Have served at least seven days of self-imposed LOA.
For SEPs who served fewer than 14 days of self-imposed LOA, the total amount of LOA support that you can receive will be capped at $700.
MOM Singapore Supports For FDW employers
SHN support for FDW employers
Eligible employers whose FDWs served the SHN at an alternative accommodation (dormitories, hostels or hotels) can apply for $60 support per day per affected FDW and have their levy waived during the FDW’s SHN period of 14 days.
FDW employers who wish to apply for the SHN support must fulfil all of the following criteria:
- FDW employer must be a Singapore Citizen or Permanent Resident;
- For new FDWs, her work pass application must be submitted to MOM on or before 15 March 2020;
- For existing FDWs (i.e. those with a valid work pass) returning from overseas, the FDW must have left Singapore on or before 15 March 2020;
- The employer or employment agent must have obtained MOM singapore prior approval before the FDW enters Singapore;
- Affected FDW must have served her SHN at a dormitory, hostel or hotel;
- Affected FDW must have completed her SHN and complied fully with the SHN requirements; and
- Affected FDW must be in the employment of the same employer for the full period of the SHN.