Singapore Constructions Resume Works Without Apply BCA Approval

During the pandemic, Singapore’s government introduced a series of support measures as part of its COVID-19 Act to help enable construction projects to get back on track in a phased approach without BCA approval. However, there remains a significant degree of uncertainty over the severity and duration of the COVID-19 crisis.
The construction sector contracted due to the circuit breaker measures which resulted in the suspension of almost all construction worksites, as well as manpower disruptions arising from the additional measures implemented to curb the spread of COVID-19. With all foreign worker dormitories declared to be cleared of the coronavirus, the Building and Construction Authority (BCA) is implementing further measures to accelerate the restart of construction work safely.
Permission Resume Works Without BCA Approval
With effect from 10 August 2020, all firms employing foreign workers registered with the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) under the Construction Account (foreign construction workers) will be allowed to resume work without applying to BCA approval, unless the foreign construction workers are deployed to perform work at construction sites1 or supply works premises. These include:
- Granting permission for all companies with foreign construction workers to resume work
- Reviewing the COVID-Safe Accommodation Criteria to allow more workers to support on-site work (BCA approval will step up its on-site audits and inspections)
- Staggering exercise of workers in FEDA-licensed dormitories by employers to be completed by 30 September 2020, while workers are allowed to continue working
However, for deployment of workers at construction sites and supply works premises, main contractors are still required to apply for BCA approval to resume work. To minimise the risk of COVID-19 transmission, main contractors will have to set out in their applications to BCA approval the necessary safe management measures. Main contractors will continue to make the application on behalf of its subcontractors and the subcontractors workers for such works.
Who eligible to Resume Works Without BCA Approval?
All construction firms that employ foreign workers registered with the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) have been allowed to resume work without the need to apply to BCA approval. Workers who have met the following four conditions would be allowed to resume work without BCA approval:
- Cleared of the COVID-19 infection
- Not on Stay-Home Notice (SHN)
- Installed the TraceTogether appcommunity-driven contact tracing in Singapore
- Staying in COVID-cleared accommodation
Covid-Safe Accommodations for Workers
It has also lifted a rule requiring employers to re-house workers if they are originally living in more than 10 different addresses. The rule was aimed at reducing the risk of infection when workers from different dorms interacted on work sites, and at minimising the number of dorms affected if a COVID-19 case surfaced.
With almost all dormitories cleared, the rule has been lifted to facilitate a faster construction restart, although BCA approval advises employers to continue reducing the number of accommodations for their workers. During this time, employers should work towards cohorting their foreign workers together in their accommodation, minimally by employer.
Employers are to continue to work closely with accommodation operators to ensure safe living measures are practised at the workers’ accommodation premises, and provide dedicated transport for their foreign workers to go to work, as stated under the COVID-Safe Restart Criteria. Contractors should take into account the larger number of workers on-site and enforce strict zoning of their workforce, and ensure that workers residing in different accommodation or performing different activities do not intermingle on site. BCA approval will closely monitor the situation, including stepping up audits and inspections at worksites.