How to Calculate Wage For Salary Calculator Singapore?

How your salary been calculating? It’s quite interesting topics for everyone in employment. This article will share with you how your HR calculate your salary calculator Singapore each month.
Generally, salary calculator singapore can classify into two types which is monthly and daily rated. You may receive a monthly or daily salary. Daily wages are calculated using either the gross rate (for paid public holidays, paid leave, salary in lieu and salary deductions) or the basic rate (for work on rest days or public holidays). Let’s go one by one and see what’s different between monthly and daily wages.
Formula for Monthly Salary Calculator Singapore
For monthly wages, a salary calculator singapore will be calculate based on complete month or refers to any months in the calendar year. For incomplete month salary calculator singapore, it should base on daily rate of pay multiply by Total number of days the employee actually worked in that month.
The formula is such as follow:
Monthly gross rate of pay × Total number of days the employee work
Total number of working days in that month
For Example:
Mr A Monthly gross pay is $3,000, number of working days in April 2020 is 22 days (5 days work/week) and he join the new company on 10th April. What’s salary he supposed to get for April?
$3,000 × 18 Days
22 Days
The actual pay will be $136.36/day x 18 days = $2,454.55
Salary Calculator Singapore Based on Several Conditions
Half-day | When the number of hours worked in the day is 5 or less. |
One working day | When the number of hours worked in the day is more than 5. |
Incomplete month of work | Where an employee:
Monthly gross rate of pay | Total amount of money including allowances, payable for one month’s work. This excludes:
Total no. of working days in the month | Excludes rest days and non-working days, but includes public holidays. |
Total no. of days actually worked in the month | Includes public holidays, paid hospitalisation leave and annual leave, if entitled. |
Formula For Basic Rate Salary Calculator Singapore
It’s use to calculate pay for work on rest day and public holiday. It includes wage adjustments and increments that an employee is entitled to under a contract of service. Basic rate of pay excludes:
- Overtime payments, bonus payments and annual wage supplements (AWS).
- Reimbursement of special expenses incurred in the course of employment.
- Productivity incentive payments.
- Any allowance.
To calculate basic rate of pay for 1 day, you can use formula as follow:
12 × monthly basic rate of pay
52 × average number of days an employee is required to work in a week
12 x $2,000
52 x 5 days/week
Formula For Gross Rate Salary Calculator Singapore
For Gross rate of pay, it’s use to calculate:
- Salary in lieu of notice of termination of service.
- Salary in lieu of annual leave.
- Salary deduction for unauthorised absence from work.
- Paid public holidays.
- Approved paid leave, including annual leave, hospitalisation leave and maternity leave.
It includes:
- Gross rate of pay includes allowances that an employee is entitled to under a contract of service
But exclude:
- Overtime payments, bonus payments and annual wage supplements (AWS).
- Reimbursement of special expenses incurred in the course of employment.
- Productivity incentive payments.
- Travel, food and housing allowances.
To calculate gross rate of pay for 1 day, you can use formula as follow:
12 × monthly gross rate of pay
52 × average number of days an employee is required to work in a week
Salary Calculator Singapore For Incompleted Month
For employees with fixed rest days on Sundays or non-working days on Saturdays, the total number of working days per month for year 2019 is shown in this table.

Differences between Basic Rate and Gross Rate in Salary Calculator Singapore
The base rate is the minimum amount of earnings that the employee is to receive. The employee may earn additional money by working overtime or by earning incentive bonuses. Gross salary calculator singapore represents wages received. It includes the employee’s base pay and additional earnings and income.
Basic rate is used in calculating work on rest days or public holidays, excluding any additional payments e.g. allowances, bonus, reimbursements, incentives.
How it is used | For calculating pay for work on a rest day or public holiday. |
What is included | Basic rate of pay includes wage adjustments and increments that an employee is entitled to under a contract of service. |
What is excluded | Basic rate of pay excludes:
Gross rate is used in calculating paid public holidays, paid leave (e.g. annual leave, hospitalisation leave), salary in lieu of notice of termination and salary deductions for absence from work. This includes allowances (except for travel, food & housing allowances) but excludes other additional payments.
How it is used | For calculating:
What is included | Gross rate of pay includes allowances that an employee is entitled to under a contract of service |
What is excluded | Gross rate of pay excludes: