How to Cross Singapore Border with RGL Scheme Requirement?

A green lane and periodic commuting arrangement will be established between Singapore Border and Malaysia Border to meet the needs of different groups of cross-border travellers. The Reciprocal Green Lane (RGL) will facilitate cross-border travel for essential business and official purposes between both countries. Travellers would have to adhere to a set of Covid-19 prevention and public health measures, which are still under discussion and will have to be mutually agreed upon by both countries.
What is Reciprocal Green Lane (RGL) to Cross Singapore Border?
The RGL enables short-term cross-singapore border travel for essential business and official purposes between both countries, up to a maximum of 14 days’ stay. Travellers under the RGL scheme are expected to undergo pre-departure and post-arrival COVID-19 PCR tests, abide by a pre-declared controlled itinerary during their visit, and download and use TraceTogether for their entire period of stay.
The SafeTravel Pass is a mandatory document for in-bound travelers for essential business and official travel from Malaysia to Singapore border via the Singapore border -Malaysia RGL scheme.
The RGL is only applicable for travel between:
(i) airports in Singapore and Malaysia which have available non-stop flight routes.
(ii) land checkpoints.
Who eligible to apply Reciprocal Green Lane (RGL)?
Persons of all nationalities who are legal residents in Malaysia, who need to make single-entry, short-term essential travel for business and official purposes, between Singapore border and Malaysia.
How to apply Reciprocal Green Lane (RGL) to Cross Singapore Border?
To enter Singapore Border under the RGL scheme, visitors will need to obtain the SafeTravel Pass, which is a mandatory document for all inbound travelers entering the country. A Singapore-based company or a Singapore Border government agency will apply on the applicant’s behalf.
An approval email will then be sent to the sponsoring company or government agency and the applicant can proceed to applying for a visa (if required). If the applicant has an existing valid visa, then the visa suspension will be lifted once the SafeTravel Pass is issued.
Another requirement is that the traveler must ensure they have not left Malaysia in the last 14 days prior to departure and must have a negative COVID-19 PCR certificate issued no more than 72 hours also prior to their departure. Only certificates issued from laboratories accredited by Malaysia’s Ministry of Health will be accepted.
Further, the approved applicant will need to submit an electronic pre-trip health and travel history declaration via the SGArrival Card.Travelers taking flights are only permitted to take non-stop flight routes to Singapore Border.
Pre Arrival Safety Measure Requirement
Prior to travelling to Singapore, approved SafeTravel Pass travellers are required to:
- Monitor their health status before departure;
- Have not travelled out of Malaysia in the entirety of the 14 days prior to departure;
- Take a COVID-19 polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test within 72 hours from departure and obtain a certificate of having tested negative for COVID-19. The certificate must be from the accredited laboratories by the Ministry of Health Malaysia. The SafeTravel Pass applicant will bear the cost of the pre-departure PCR test.
Travellers by air and land are required to produce the following documents to the airline for pre-boarding checks and at the immigration counter respectively:
- A valid SafeTravel Pass approval letter (the date of entry into Singapore must fall within the period of entry stated in the letter);
- A valid visa to enter Singapore (for visa-required passport holders who are short-term visitors to Singapore); and
- A valid certificate of negative result for a COVID-19 PCR test taken within 72 hours before departure for Singapore (the certificate must be from the accredited laboratories by the Ministry of Health Malaysia).
Travellers by air who do not produce the documents above at pre-boarding checks can be refused boarding.
Post Arrival Safety Measure Requirement
Upon arrival in Singapore, the traveler will undergo another COVID-19 PCR test who will also bear the cost. The prevailing cost for COVID-19 testing is S$200 (US$143) per person.
After the test is completed, it is the responsibility of the sponsor company or government agency to transport the traveler to their self-sourced accommodation (these must be non-residential addresses). The applicant must remain in their accommodation until the test results are released, and if negative, can then proceed to their pre-declared travel itinerary. If the traveler tests positive for COVID-19 then they will under medical treatment at their own cost.
Travelers should also install the TraceTogether app, which is designed to support the government’s contact tracing capabilities. It is also the duty of the host company or government agency to monitor the traveler’s compliance with this itinerary.
Safety Measures in Singapore
SafeTravel Pass travellers to Singapore are required to download and use the TraceTogether app for the duration of their stay. If a traveller does not have a TraceTogether-compatible device, the host company or government agency shall provide one to the traveller.
In addition to abiding by prevailing local public health and safety distancing measures, SafeTravel Pass travellers must adhere to a controlled itinerary for the duration of their stay. The traveller is prohibited from using public transportation for this purpose, with the exception of private hire cars/taxis or cohorted company transport.