Dormitory Management System
Dormitory Management System is a solution that allows users to manage tenant’s information. It is specifically designed to fully integrate with our customer’s dormitory system. We design the system to import tenant information directly from our customer’s dormitory system. We use the latest MS SQL database to avoid database corruption.
Dormitory Employee Management System Features: Effectively manage tenant information
- Able to seamlessly sync tenant information directly from database without affecting flow.
- Unlimited storage of tenant information
- Able to capture photo and store in database
- Print badge card directly from system
- Able to ban tenant from entering from a click of a button
- Able to capture the Check IN and Check OUT date
- Able to block the tenant from entering if their WP/Contract has expired.
Manage tenant template
- Able to link to facial device and controller after syncing of tenant information
- Auto broadcast of template after enrolling face template from enrolment unit
- Auto delete tenant template once tenant has left the dormitory

Badge ID - Badge Card
Badge ID – Badge Card available in 3 types, RFID card, Mifare Card and Touch N Go card. Badge ID – Badge Card is work together with proximity card time clock such as RFID Time Clock, Mifare Time Clock and HID Time Clock. With integration of proximity card time clock devices and Access Control System and Dorm Management System, a valid badge card is needed to enter the specific area or dormitory. If no valid badge card, entrance is prohibited. Besides working with Access Control System, it can also be integrated with Time Management System. Employees can use badge card for attendance purpose, once the card is tapped on a time clock machines, attendance is records. Traditional way of timesheet and punch card method can now be eliminated. ID badges / ID card are a simple, efficient, and effective way to ensure safety for students and school employees, keep intruders out, and prevent theft and vandalism. Integrating the ID Badge into visitor management and door access system, it will provide a secure form of identity management to your organization.
Employee Badge ID Samples

To printing a standard and professional ID badge card/ ID card, we provide you a simple and secure employee badge card system (CPS) to simplify the design and printing procedure. Employee Badge Card system (CPS) is a software which help to create professional looking badge card design for your organization. It’s easy-to-learn, exceptionally user-friendly and speeds up the card preparation for employees. By using the CPS software, you may make a professional design layout, adding your company or dormitory logo and photo to meet your exact requirement ID cards. There are unlimited design template can be created. After create your design template in system, you may print out the design on the glossy sticker paper and laminates by using the inkjet printer. CPS ensures database availability and integrity for future usage. The main features of CPS are below:
- Design unlimited template layout of badge card.
- High photographic quality, water resistance label
- Label is replaceable, card is reusable
- Any brand of inkjet printer could to print out your design on the glossy sticker paper.
- Store employee basic information in system.
- By using badge card system, user could generate employee reports to view their personal data in badge card system.

Advantages and benefits of Employee Badge Card system (CPS)
- Simple and Efficient
- Help prevent theft and vandalism by keeping unauthorized people out.
- Able to integrate with Time Management System and Access Control System.
- Compatible to any type of card such as proximity card, PVC card, RFID proximity card, MIFARE card and others.
- Cost effective
- You’ll know who is in the building at all times, and–if necessary–who visited over the weekend. When full-time employees, part-timers, consultants, maintenance staff, and authorized visitors all have ID badges, they can rest assured that no unauthorized persons will gain access. Keep out thieves, corporate spies, and prowlers. Maintain the confidential, secure workplace environment with a comprehensive and easy-to-use system of security ID badges.
Employee Badge Card System interface

Related Information
Contact Information
Reach us at : 116, Lavender Street, Pek Chuan Building #03-10, Singapore 338730.
Send us a mail : sales@smartouch.com.sg
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