Can I claim my Sick leave and Hospitalization in weekend or Holiday?

An employee is entitled to paid outpatient and hospitalisation sick leave if:
- she/he has worked for at least 3 months.
- she/he has attempted to inform the employer within 48 hours of absence.
- the sick leave has been certified by a physician approved by the company or a physician from an approved public medical institution.
The number of days of paid sick entitled depends on the length of service:
60 days of hospitalisation leave includes the 14 days of outpatient sick leave.
An employee is eligible for hospitalisation leave, once the physician certifies the need for hospitalisation, without needing to be warded.
Paid hospitalisation leave and outpatient sick leave are payable at gross rate of pay. Any shift allowance is excluded from the gross rate of pay for outpatient sick leave unless approved by an affiliated union.
Paid sick leave is not applicable during:
- Rest days
- Public holidays
- Non-working days
- Annual leave
- Unpaid leave
If an employee falls sick while on annual leave, it is up to the employer to decide if sick leave can be used to replace the annual leave taken. Any sick leave taken is counted as a full day of leave, even when taken on a half working day. An employee who is sick without sufficient sick leave remaining may be allowed to take unpaid leave for a period agreed upon with her/his employer.
Rest day
Every employee shall be allowed in each week a rest day of one whole day as may. be determined from time to time by the employer, and where an employee is allowed more than one rest day in a week the last of such rest days shall be the rest day for the purposes of this Part:
Provided that this subsection shall not apply during the period in which the employee is on maternity leave as provided under section 37, or on sick leave as provided under section 60F, or during the period of temporary disablement under the Workmen’s Compensation Act 1952, or under the Employees Social Security Act 1969.”
Based on the above Rest day/Off day are not apply for Sick Leave and Maternity leave so if sick leave form issue from clinic include weekend, system should deduct from your sick leave entitlement according
Then how about the Public Holiday is it including? Referring to Section 60D(1B) of the Employment Act