Canteen Management System
The replacement of printing Canteen Coupons
Canteen Management System
The Canteen Management System is the replacement of printing Canteen Coupons (paperless) and manually maintaining a record of its usage is a tedious and time consuming task. It can help to keeps track of daily activities carried out in a canteen and finally can calculate the monthly consumption of subsided from company for each employee or do the payment for stall holders.
The objective of this system is automatic record down all purchase transaction of canteen. It can support multi stall and provide the daily or monthly limit in purchase control for each employee. The system can also let you to define your own food menu (eg: nasi lemak, mi goreng, nasi pattaya …) in the different menu type (eg: breakfast, lunch, drink & dessert …) and let you to print out the Receipt to employee. It also able to analysis in food choice, peak hours in canteen, the favorite food and stall and others criteria based on the report.

Canteen Management System can help you to reduce your company cost cause by needed extra manpower to handle the manual job. The system can interact with card reader (can be badge card for employee) and employee will be assign a card as a credit. Also the stall holder will be provided with a touch screen from where they can select a menu, the system will automatically deduct credit from balance inside the card and also can work with point of sale (POS) system. Due to this advance technology it can be exactly same with the kiosk system which we saw at restaurant, food court or fast food outlet.

Food Sold Report

Food Menu